Why build your ecommerce website with WordPress?

Why build your ecommerce website with WordPress?

 Point 1: You are a businessman or you are going to start a business, you need a website, but it does not cost much time or money to build a website.

Point 2: You already have a website, but it's not like that at all. The website did not have the features or performance you wanted. So you need to create another website.

Point 3: You want to run your website on your own without anyone's help

 If any of the other situations apply to you Then WordPress is the best solution for you Because WordPress is a completely free and open source content management system (CMS). Which is based on PHP It can be used for free in open source air Using WordPress you can create a website using the features of your choice at a very low cost (3-4 thousand rupees per year or less) and in a short time (it is possible to create a basic website in one day).

 There is a lot of software for building a website now, but today we will see why you can create an ecommerce website only with WordPress.

 Completely free: WordPress can be downloaded directly and used and modified at will No money has to be spent for this However, there is a minimum cost to buy a domain hosting However, now almost all companies offer free domain for one year with hosting

 There are many domestic and foreign companies that provide very good quality service However, when buying domain hosting, you should only buy after checking its speed and customer support. Now the speed of Light Speed ​​Server's web site is very good So try to buy light speed server hosting

 WordPress has the highest market share: As of June 2021, about 42% of websites are made with WordPress! This means that if 100 websites are created every day all over the world, 42 of these websites are being created with WordPress. So you can understand how popular WordPress is now

 Numerous Professional Themes and Plugins: The official website of WordPress has thousands of free themes and plugins, you can use them for free if you wish and customize the website to your liking. However, if anyone wants, your website can be customized using premium themes and plugins

 If you want to create an online e-commerce store, you need to use the Woocommerce plugin. Want to offer tutorials or courses online? This includes the Lifter LMS plugin If you want to create a contact form on your website, there is Contact Form 7 You can add all the complex functionality even if you don't have any coding experience

Search Engine Friendly: WordPress is much more search engine friendly WordPress code is written to maintain very high quality SEO Compliance. Using free plugins like Yoast SEO can make your website more optimized.

 Hard Security: WordPress code is written with security in mind. This ensures very good security by default However, various free plugins can be used to strengthen the security of the website

Multimedia file format: not just text! WordPress has built-in support for PDF or other file management in addition to various formats of images, videos, audio!

Another strong point of WordPress is that it supports Embed feature. This means that if you copy and paste just the URL of content from different platforms including YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Twitter tweets, SoundCloud audio, it will be automatically embedded in the WordPress website. There is nothing extra to do.

Multiple users and user roles: WordPress has different user-roles such as Administrator, Editor, Subscriber, Participant, Author, Contributor. The capability of each user role is different and you can add more than one user for each role (in fact there is no limit). With the installation of different plugins, the role associated with that plugin will be created. Such as customer, instructor, student, moderator, affiliate, etc.

Fully Responsive and Mobile Friendly: There was a time when people used the Internet only from computers. The number of mobile internet users is increasing day by day. So when creating a website in this age, it is important to keep in mind whether the website is working well on all devices including mobile, tab, PC! This burden is much easier when using WordPress. WordPress websites can be browsed from any device.

There is no shortage of people to help with WordPress !: At present 42 out of every 100 websites are created, with a market share of 64.1%.

  Simple and Complex Websites: All types of simple and complex websites can be created using WordPress

 Managing Websites: You don't need to be a programmer or developer to manage websites created with WordPress. In general, anyone can manage a WordPress website And this is the biggest reason for the popularity of WordPress

 I have tried to give a complete idea about WordPress in this content. The writing became a little bigger, if you make a mistake, everyone will look at it with forgiveness.


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